Iterate Model

This feature was designed to ensure that you can use every output generated through our platform. Iteration allows you to further refine your results so that you can get closer to your desired output.

This tool is currently operated by our Quality Control team and it’s a manual step in our pipeline. With the help of customer feedback, we were able to create a win-win situation where:

  • You can get even closer to your vision for the model

  • We integrate feedback into our algorithms to continually enhance their performance

How it Works:

To begin editing the model of your choice, open your asset in the 3D Studio and click "Iterate Model."

Next, describe your desired modification via the text input, and press "Confirm". Use the pencil tool to encircle the area that needs editing.

You can also upload an image (as seen below) to add onto your model.

We will edit your model and return the iterated version within a few minutes.

After your iteration request is completed, you will still have access to all the older versions of the model.


To annotate on your model, click the "3D" tab. Position your model and take a screenshot using the camera icon on the upper right of the 3D viewer.

Once you've taken your screenshot, they will show up on the bottom alongside your input image. Go back to the "Image" tab and click on the screenshot's thumbnail to view and annotate. Then, describe the edits you'd like to make using the text box.

Iteration Guidelines:

When requesting an iteration, please make sure to avoid the following:

❌ Vague requests (e.g. "Add more detail"). These won't be dismissed, but the detail might not be where or how you want it

❌ Requesting different poses for previously generated models

❌ Requesting colors or textures to be applied

If you have iterated your model two to three times and remain unsatisfied, we encourage you to get in touch with us through discord or email to see how we can help

Kaedim is now accepting applications for our 12-week pilot program

We offer a 12-week pilot that lets you train Kaedim's AI on your own requirements to optimize for the outputs your stakeholders expect —without the costs of long term commitments.

  • Contract a trained model with Kaedim's AI with no commitment to buy at the end of the pilot

  • Engage Kaedim's machine learning engineers to identify the parts of your operation best suited for automation

  • Review your overall 3D production strategy with an expert team to decide how to move forward

  • Work with our experienced customer support engineering team to onboard the technology and integrate it into your existing pipeline

  • Enjoy 24-hour support and the security of knowing you have a team of experts at your disposal for guidance

  • Established protocol for daily feedback to foster iterative improvement and model optimization

  • Access to personalized resources, including documentation and best practices

If you’re interested in automation and how it can improve your throughput goals, complete this form to get a quote for your project: Kaedim Pilot Program Information Request

Last updated