Automatic Texturing

Automatic texturing allows you to easily texture your 3D objects. In order to help you produce the best results, we offer three different methods:

Please note that while it's not possible to further iterate on an asset after textures have been applied, you can always access the untextured model and continue iterating on it.

Unfortunately, add-ons are currently not available for the Indie and Pay-as-you-go plans.

If you are on a plan that includes add-on access, please contact us to configure your add-ons using the button in the app found in Settings > Add-ons.

How to Use Automatic Texturing

Under "Texturing" in the 3D Studio, you will find 3 options for Automatic Texturing:

Image Projection

Upload up to 6 views of your model to texture the corresponding views.

Rotate the cube, click on a side (Front, Right, Left, etc.), then choose an image to texture that side.

As you select an image for each side, a label will pop up to show you which side you've chosen for each image. Click on the X to remove that image texture from that side.

Please allow a few seconds for your 3D Model to be textured.


This feature enables you to color your model automatically using either monochrome shades or a stylized palette. This works best for less detailed textures, as well as for both orthographic and perspective views.

First, select the image you want to use to texture your model. Then, click submit.


PBR stands for physically based rendering. The maps included in the texture are:

  • Color

  • Roughness

  • Normal

Our PBR texturing algorithm identifies textures from your input image and finds the closest match to the PBR textures in our database.

Currently, our database is heavily focused on realistic wood, metal, and fabric textures. Use cases that focus on realistic textures featuring these materials will produce the best results.

If you're using a stylized texture, the output might not be similar to the input image. In this case, we recommend you use Image Projection or Stylized instead.

Wait a few minutes for the texture to be generated.

Fine details will be captured, and the PBR texturing will provide more depth to your 3D models:

If you are on a plan that includes add-on access, you will see a button that says "Book a call" to activate the add-on. We've implemented this so that we can best configure the feature for your needs.

For a visual demonstration, please view our Auto-texturing demo video.

Kaedim is now accepting applications for our 12-week pilot program

We offer a 12-week pilot that lets you train Kaedim's AI on your own requirements to optimize for the outputs your stakeholders expect —without the costs of long term commitments.

  • Contract a trained model with Kaedim's AI with no commitment to buy at the end of the pilot

  • Engage Kaedim's machine learning engineers to identify the parts of your operation best suited for automation

  • Review your overall 3D production strategy with an expert team to decide how to move forward

  • Work with our experienced customer support engineering team to onboard the technology and integrate it into your existing pipeline

  • Enjoy 24-hour support and the security of knowing you have a team of experts at your disposal for guidance

  • Established protocol for daily feedback to foster iterative improvement and model optimization

  • Access to personalized resources, including documentation and best practices

If you’re interested in automation and how it can improve your throughput goals, complete this form to get a quote for your project: Kaedim Pilot Program Information Request

Last updated