Generate Levels of Detail (LoDs)

With our automatic LoDs feature, you can create multiple lower-resolution versions of your generated model. This feature allows you to enter the new, lower target poly count for generating the new LoD.

Unfortunately, add-ons are currently not available for the Indie and Pay-as-you-go plans.

If you are on a plan that includes add-on access, please contact us to configure your add-ons using the button in the app found in Settings > Add-ons.

You can input either a number value or a percentage to generate your LoDs. Click "Add another" to keep adding input fields.

Once you click submit, your LoDs will start generating.

If you are on a plan that includes add-on access, you will see a button that says "Book a call" to activate the add-on. We've implemented this so that we can best configure the feature for your needs.

Once the LoDs have finished generating, you can find all versions in the Assets page card view.

Open the card view by going to the Assets page, hovering over an asset, and clicking the expand icon.

Example Comparison

Last updated