Six-View Texturing

Currently, this feature is only available for Enterprise customers. If you would like to inquire about this texturing solution, please get in touch with

Six-view texturing allows you to choose specific PBR texture maps to apply to specific meshes, and also provide six orthographic views (front, back, top, bottom, left, right) of your desired textured model to produce a texturing result that more closely matches your desired output.

Input requirements

  • Textures must be uploaded as ZIP files, containing the three maps:

    1. Base colour map

    2. Roughness map

    3. Normal map

  • The filenames of these maps must contain “color”, “rough” and “normal” for us to distinguish the different maps. For example:

    • WoodGrainA_basecolor.png

    • WoodGrainA_roughness.png

    • WoodGrainA_normal.png

  • Providing all six views is optional. The front, side and top views are usually sufficient.

  • The total size of the ZIPs and view images must not exceed 50MB

Using the Feature

On the UI for Six-View Texturing, we can see the following:

  • On the top you can see a list of meshes present in our 3D model

  • On the bottom, you can see the modal where you upload your textures and six view

First, you upload the texture ZIPs you want applied to the meshes. To do so,

  1. Select all the meshes that are of the same texture by clicking the mesh in the 3D viewer. Selected meshes will have a glowing outline and will be semi-transparent.

  2. Upload the ZIP file in the modal and select Apply Texture. To remove the texture from the selected meshes, select Clear Textures.

  3. Check that the correct ZIP has been applied to the right meshes

When all meshes have had a texture ZIP applied to it, click Submit to proceed to upload your six views.

After waiting for a few seconds, you should see this modal at the top of the page.

Fail scenario

If the texturing fails, you will receive a Discord notification that your “Asset failed!”, as well as this status in your Assets page. Click "Identify" to find out why your texturing was not able to process.

Do reach out to us through Discord or for us to fix the error and try to regenerate the texturing!

Last updated