UV Unwrap

You can now automatically unwrap your generated assets creating a UV map of the model to allow for easier texturing. This process only costs a single credit.

A UV map is a flat surface representation of a 3D model used to wrap textures.

Unfortunately, add-ons are currently not available for the Indie and Pay-as-you-go plans.

If you are on a plan that includes add-on access, please contact us to configure your add-ons using the button in the app found in Settings > Add-ons.

Note: Your UV map will not appear in our 3D viewer.

Once the UV unwrapping has completed, you'll be able to view your model's UV map using the toggle on the bottom.

You can download the png of the UV map using the Download button beneath it.

When you download your asset, the UV map will be downloaded with it.

Last updated