Custom Integrations
Kaedim can integrate with the software your team is already familiar with. We collaborate with you to ensure seamless use of Kaedim with any program.
Currently, we offer plugins for:
To learn more about our existing integrations and how to set them up, see Plugins.
Customisation Options
We understand that every team has unique needs. Kaedim offers a range of customisation options to fit perfectly into your existing workflows:
Custom Scripts and Automation: Develop custom scripts to automate specific tasks and enhance productivity.
New Plugins: Add new plugins for software that we don't already have plugins for.
Flexible Integration: Tailor the integration process to suit different team sizes and project scales.
For inquiries about customisations, please get in touch with us.
Support & Training
Kaedim offers 24/7 support to ensure seamless integration with your software and team. Our support and training resources include:
24/7 Customer Support: Reach out to our team anytime for assistance with setup, troubleshooting, and general inquiries.
Training Resources: Meet directly with our engineers to further familiarise you and your team with Kaedim.
Last updated
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